Neuraxial Connectors (NRFit®)
Overview of Design Changes
Overview of Design Changes
Using NRFit Connectors
Medical Procedures | Manufacturer Resources | Keep Informed
Medical Procedures | Manufacturer Resources | Keep Informed
Changes to neuraxial connectors (NRFit) will follow ISO standard 80369-6 design.
All medical devices which connect to the neuraxial route will eventually use the 80369-6 connector.
Examples of devices affected include:
- Spinal needles
- Neuraxial/epidural syringes and syringe caps
- Manometers
- Tuohy needles
- Epidural catheters
- Epidural filters
- CSE kits (combined anaesthesia)
- Drawing up filter needles
- Drawing up kwills
- Taps (2- or 3-way taps) to be used with manometers